
Sitata maintains maps for various travel related diseases. This information is curated from various online resources such as CDC and WHO. In many cases, we have multiple maps for a single disease. Below is an example of a map entitled Yellow Fever Risk (WHO).

Feel free to use any of our disease maps within your own website. At this point in time, it is only possible to show one disease per map. If you need mapping as a tool for your office, feel free to check out our company platform. The platform has many additional tools, including the ability to switch maps instantly.

Step 1: Include multi_map.js

Include the following javascript snippet just before the closing body tag on the page you would like the map to appear on.

<script type="text/javascript" src="//www.sitata.com/widgets/multi_map/multi_map.js"></script>
<!-- The line above should be placed just before your closing 'body' tag -->

You only need to include this snippet once, for any of Sitata's mapping widgets, even if you would like multiple maps on the same page.

Is Any Of This Overwhelming?

If you need help placing a Sitata map into your website, simply contact us. and we'll be glad to help you!

Step 2: Insert A Container For The Map

Include a container element such as a div to hold the map. The data attributes set on the container define various properties for the map.

<div data-behavior='sitata-map' data-height='400', data-width='500' data-locale="es" data-maptype='disease', data-mapid='yellow-fever-risk-who'></div>
<!-- An element like the one above can be placed anywhere on your page that you want a map -->


Attribute Accepted Values Description
data-behavior (required) sitata-map This attribute is required and designates the element as one that will contain a map.
data-maptype (required) diseasemap Designate the map to show a disease rather than another type of map.
data-mapid (required)
Value Description
yellow-fever-risk-who Yellow Fever Risk (WHO)
japanese-encephalitis-risk-who-based_on_2012_data Japanese Encephalitis Risk (WHO)
yellow-fever-risk-cdc Yellow Fever Risk (CDC)
japanese-encephalitis-risk-cdc Japanese Encephalitis Risk (CDC)
malaria-risk-cdc Malaria Risk (CDC, 2016)
zika-virus-cdc Zika Virus - Active Transmission (CDC)
hepatitis-a-who Hepatitis A Prevelance (WHO)
hep-b-cdc Hepatitis B Prevalence (CDC)
chikungunya-risk-who-2019 Chikungunya Risk (WHO 2019)
malaria-risk-cdc-2018 Malaria Risk (CDC, 2018)
Meningitis-WHO-2020-using-2017-data Meningitis 2020
malaria-risk-who-2015 Malaria Risk (WHO, 2015)
dengue-risk-cdc-2019 Dengue Risk (CDC 2019)
The map identifier for the map that you with to display.
data-height (required) Integer Sets the height of the map element. Specified in pixels.
data-width (required) Integer Sets the width of the map element. Specified in pixels.
Value Description
en English
es Spanish
de German
fr French
it Italian
hu Hungarian
ro Romanian
ar Arabic
pl Polish
pt Portuguese
nl Dutch
sv Swedish
fi Finnish
nn Norwegian
da Danish
Sets the language to show within the map.